Beautiful pics of Lindsay Sloane and Nita Strauss feet & legs

Lindsay Sloane is a comedian who has had a long career. She was Matthew Perry in the CBS remake of The Odd Couple. Her recent recurring roles include I'm Sorry on A24 and USA's Playing House. Sloane is scheduled to next be seen with Shailene Woodley, Shailene Stan, and Jamie Dornan on Drake Doremus the feature Endings Beginnings. Warner Bros.'s popular comedy Horrible Bosses 2 and Horrible Bosses were among her previous film credits. Her previous features credits include Warner Bros.'s popular comedies Horrible Bosses and Horrible Bosses 2.

Nita has grown into an international sensation in music, captivating people from all over the world. From the US to the UK and Europe all the way to Asia Australia Africa Nita can be heard. The fans of Nita Strauss may be familiar with the name as Demi Lovato's newest axewoman, Alice Cooper's guitar on tour for the past 8 years. She is also her official Los Angeles Rams NFL football team's guitarist. Nita's energetic stage performance, her enthusiasm for music and the love she has for her instrument earned her an excellent reputation within the industry. Nita is also a brand ambassador of Ibanez Guitars Marshall Amplifier DiMarzio Pickups Monster Energy among others. In the past the consistent schedule of her touring has allowed her to perform the presence of more than 1 million people every year. Nita has been featured on the cover of Guitar World magazine and Guitar Player and on soundtracks for dozens of albums including Heroes Of The Storm Blizzard. She has also written for the Guitar World Monthly column "Like A Hurricane". She's also among the most sought-after instructors across the world of rock and has done extensive clinic tours and public speaking events across 17 countries on multiple continents.

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